District News

Youth Volleyball 2019

Posted on: April 17, 2019
black volleyball outline

2019 Youth VB Flyer


Wed. May 1, 2019, 3:30pm-5:30pm
FUNdamentals, Games, Prizes And learn about our Youth Volleyball Program!
Girls in Current Grades 2nd-6th  (Pre-registration for FREE Clinic is due by April 26th, 2019.)



Practice Dates: May 6, 8, 10, 15, 17 (HIGH SCHOOL GYM)
6th Grade Practices: 2:45-5:00
Grades 2-5: 3:30-5:00 (We will have them gather in the elementary gym and walk to high school with a coach)

PLEASE Pre-Register for Mini-Season!  EARLY BIRD Price: $65 (on or before May 1)
(you can add registration for the mini-season the night of the clinic if your daughter wants to try it out first)

Late Registration Price: $75 (after May 1)

Includes a LSYVB t-shirt and volleyball.      Checks made payable to: Waynesville Volleyball

Questions Contact:  Kelley Purkey, volleyball@waynelocal.net