Elementary School News

Annual Canned Food Drive - coming in December!

Posted on: November 15, 2022
canned food drive

The Wayne Local Schools Food Drive is a school community event that has been an annual tradition for many years. Donating food to the Waynesville Food Pantry helps so many families in need. Wayne Local Schools empowers students to be active members of the community, provide service to others, and strive to have compassion and excellence in all that they do. Donating to those in need gives them an opportunity to practice showing compassion towards others and helps to provide families with nutritious meals.  In coordination with the American Legion Auxiliary Unit Post 615, the Canned Food Drive also helps support their efforts with their holiday baskets during the season.  


Items that are really needed include: canned chicken, peanut butter, mac and cheese, ramen noodles, jelly, chicken noodle soup, boxed potatoes, cereal, spaghetti, pasta sauce, granola bars, crackers, canned fruit and vegetables, and any other non-perishable items.


Our hope is to provide for as many people in need this Holiday season. Thank you for any and all donations!



Jr./Sr. High Building - The Jr./Sr. High will be holding their canned food drive from November 30 - December 9.  The Connect groups will be competing to bring in the most cans, ultimately winning a donut party for their class and a point for their House. Jr. High classes will be competing to see who can be the class that brings in the most cans and will have advantages in the annual dodgeball tournament. 

Elementary Building - The Elementary School is also participating in the Food Drive and will run their own incentive contest and collection process.  The food drive is such an amazing experience as we witness exactly how generous our students, staff, and community is. Please see your newsletter for additional details.