Elementary School News

Author Mike Artell Visits Our Elementary Students

Posted on: December 6, 2017
man talking to a group of students


A Huge Thank You

The B.A.T.S. (Bringing Authors to Schools) committee planned and organized a visit from author Mike Artell.  Yesterday, the elementary school students enjoyed time with Mr. Artel, and would like to thank the following organizations for sponsoring this visit:  Mary L. Cook Public Library, American Legion Post #615, The Waynesville’s Progressive Women’s Club, Clinton-Massie Board of Education, The Clinton-Massie PTO, Wayne Local Board of Education, The Waynesville PTO, and Books ‘n’ More bookstore of Wilmington.

Also a thank you to Mike Artell for taking time from his schedule to visit our students. 


man talking to a group of students
a group of students sitting on a gym floor


Last Call for Book Pre-Orders

Last call for Book Order forms for Mike Artell.  Please turn them into Kelley Purkey in the Elementary Library.  She will be submitting the final order by 2:00 today. Friday, Nov. 17th.  

author holding a book


A Partnering Brings an Award Winning Author to Waynesville Elementary

On December 5th, Waynesville Elementary will be hosting Author, Mike Artell.  He is an award-winning author of more than 35 books, an illustrator, TV cartoonist, and musician.  He lives in Covington, Louisiana and we are excited to have him speak to our students and staff.

Mr. Artell will read some of his books, engage the kids in some interactive “brain games” that challenge the kids to think in ways they may find unusual and great fun.  He will discuss the different kinds of writing he does (fiction, non-fiction, biographies, etc.) as well as advertising copyrighting, greeting cards and other forms of writing that kids don’t often hear about.

Students will have the opportunity to draw along as Mr. Artell shows them how to create great little cartoons through step-by-step cartooning instructions! He will explain how cartoons can help improve reading, writing and thinking skills.

Students were given a book order form this week.  We are now extending the order form deadline to November 17, 2017.  All checks should be made out to Waynesville Elementary School.   Mr. Artell will only be autographing the books before the day of his visit, so it is important to return the order form before the deadline to insure your child gets the title they want, and an autographed copy.

Books will be on display in the Media Center. Mr. Artell will also be doing a presentation at the Mary L Cook Library that evening from 7:00-7:45 pm.

The B.A.T.S. (Bringing Authors to Schools) committee plans these visits, and would like to thank the following organizations for sponsoring this visit:  Mary L. Cook Public Library, American Legion Post #615, The Waynesville’s Progressive Women’s Club, Clinton-Massie Board of Education, The Clinton-Massie PTO, Wayne Local Board of Education, The Waynesville PTO, and Books ‘n’ More bookstore of Wilmington.

Mrs. Lora Schafer

Rainbow Reading Teacher

B.A.T.S.  Committee Member
