Elementary School News

Camp Week in First Grade

Posted on: May 19, 2023
camp week

The first graders at Waynesville Elementary have had a fun week wrapping up our year at First Grade Camp.  We started the week by decorating our camp t-shirts.  Throughout the week we spent time reading under the trees on our beach towels and also by flashlight in our classrooms.  After several days of camp crafts, games and learning activities, we spent a fun day at the park, rotating through our camp stations.  The stations included rock painting, game time, crafting wood slice necklaces and a camp storytelling station with a s‘mores snack.  The highlight of the day was a camp sing-a-long at the park amphitheater with our own assistant principal, Mr. Clark , playing the ukulele and teaching us some fun songs.  Students also received letters from home during mail call.  We appreciate all of the parents who volunteered to send snacks and help run the camp stations. We hope this is a school memory that will stay with the children for many years to come.

camp week