Elementary School News

Changes Around Campus

Posted on: September 13, 2019
image of attention red letters on white

Starting Wednesday, September 18th, the community and Spartan families will see fences rising up around the campus. In a perfect situation, we would not be altering traffic patterns and schedules. After construction meetings this week, we’ve determined these changes are non-negotiable and will become our “new normal” for the next two years.

Construction on school campus requires close attention to SAFETY. Attention to ALL details around the project ensures safety and minimizes disruption on active campuses. We’ve worked to separate trucks, equipment and delivery traffic from our school activities. There are inconveniences as we prepare to take huge leaps forward over the next two years. This means we need to change traffic patterns associated with arrival and dismissal from school. We are also adjusting our school start and ending times to assist bus transportation and ensure student safety.

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