Elementary School News

Elementary Dayton Dragons MVPs

Posted on: April 9, 2019
green and black with a dragon

Fourth and fifth graders in Waynesville Elementary have spent the past few weeks participating in the Dayton Dragons MVP program.  This program is offered by the Dragons as an incentive tool to learn and achieve for students in area schools.  Classroom teachers worked together to choose five students per homeroom who exemplified outstanding citizenship traits such as honesty, strong work ethic, kindness, helpfulness, and compassion and respect for others.  Being limited to five per classroom made choosing our MVP's extremely difficult, as we have so many deserving students in our classes!  Those receiving the Dayton Dragons MVP awards for fourth grade were:

  • Ms. Ferguson's Homeroom:  Ross Barrett, Ava Bridgman, Kara Brown, Lola Bulach, and Dean Burgess
  • Mrs. Holland's Homeroom:  Baya Dixie, Ryley Ellis, Max Frizzell, Jackson Garner, and Molly Hatch
  • Mrs. Rasey's Homeroom:  Maya Hoppe, Steven Isaac, Dillon Kirk, Kate Lundy, and Savannah Patterson
  • Miss Walker's Homeroom: Walter Shelhamer, Audrey Smith, Stetson Stockton, Mya Wenzler, and Bella Williamson

Congratulations to these students, who each received tickets to a future Dragons game, a special certificate, and will receive a Dragons MVP hat upon arrival at the game!