Elementary School News

Elementary School Kicks Off the Music Programs

Posted on: October 17, 2018
swirling musical notes


All of our Elementary Music classes are off to a great start!  The Kindergarten classes are working on beat and rhythm. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades have been learning Patriotic songs to honor Constitution/Citizenship Day. The 4th grade has been working on their upcoming program, also Patriotic. The 5th grade is continuing with playing their recorders.


The 2018-19 Elementary Music Programs have been scheduled and are as follows:

  • Oct. 23 – 4th grade
  • Dec. 11 – 3rd grade
  • Mar. 5 – 5th grade
  • Apr. 30 – 2nd grade

These are held in the Elementary Gym at 2:45 and 7:00. We hope to see all our family and friends at these performances.


Andrea Stubbs
Elementary Music