Elementary School News

Fun Learning in 1st Grade!

Posted on: May 16, 2022
elementary fun learning

Dr. Arbernathy visited Mrs. Janusik and Mrs. Gaver’s first grade classroom this week! The first graders are learning about different animal groups. They had fun learning about a job that you can do with animals. The students got to dress up like a vet!  She read them a book about the different types of vets. She also brought fun x-rays for them look at. She showed them how to perform surgery on a dog. They had animal crackers for a fun snack. Thank you Dr. Abernathy!

elementary fun learning
elementary fun learning
MORE LEARNING FUN IN FIRST GRADE!  Kendra Hickey, a student from the Warren County Career Centers Veterinary Science Program, came to teach first grade students about chameleons. First graders learned about reptiles and got to see firsthand what one looks like and how it uses its tongue to eat. Students listened to a story about how chameleons' mood can change their color and tail shape. Stormy, the chameleon, got a little nervous and started to turn a dull green and she straightened her tail. Stormy performed well and showed students how she snaps her tongue in and out to catch food. Thank you so much Miss Hickey for the amazing experience.


Kendra Hickey, a student from the Warren County Career Centers Veterinary Science Program, came to teach first grade students about chameleons. First graders learned about reptiles and got to see firsthand what one looks like and how it uses its tongue to eat. Students listened to a story about how chameleons' mood can change their color and tail shape. Stormy, the chameleon, got a little nervous and started to turn a dull green and she straightened her tail. Stormy performed well and showed students how she snaps her tongue in and out to catch food. Thank you so much Miss Hickey for the amazing experience. 

MORE LEARNING FUN IN FIRST GRADE!  Kendra Hickey, a student from the Warren County Career Centers Veterinary Science Program, came to teach first grade students about chameleons. First graders learned about reptiles and got to see firsthand what one looks like and how it uses its tongue to eat. Students listened to a story about how chameleons' mood can change their color and tail shape. Stormy, the chameleon, got a little nervous and started to turn a dull green and she straightened her tail. Stormy performed well and showed students how she snaps her tongue in and out to catch food. Thank you so much Miss Hickey for the amazing experience.