Elementary School News

Honors Bio 2 Class Projects

Posted on: May 11, 2020
the word biology with germs

The following are links to videos that were shared by Mr. Hardin, High School Biology/Anatomy teacher.  Sophomores Rachel Ingle and Viviana Syvertsen completed the project for their Honors Bio 2 class.  The class was studying the life cycle of viruses and one of the assignments was to make a stop motion video.  Mr. Hardin was so impressed by their work and states “I think it’s such an uplifting and encouraging thing to see students working hard at home and overcoming the challenges we’ve been facing.”  These videos showcase Rachel and Viviana’s creativity, hard work, and diligence as well as a fun and informative video about how viruses behave which are relevant to the world today.    

Excellent job girls! 

Project by Rachel Ingle

Project by Viviana Syvertsen