Elementary School News

January is School Board Recognition Month

Posted on: January 30, 2018
7 people standing in front of library books



School Boards lead so students can achieve; individual board members are citizens who serve children and represent their communities.  They assure schools are accountable to the community and strongly advocate continuous improvement in student learning. 

While they wear many hats in the workday world, school board members put on a collective hat when they get down to the business of leading our school district.  Board Members must pull together as a team toward a common goal – helping students achieve.  They devote time in board meetings, seminars and training sessions to keep abreast of the latest trends in educational leadership, are deeply involved in community activities, and spend many hours in the schools and at extracurricular activities.  These people unselfishly contribute their time and talents towards the advancement of public education. 

Their love of learning, concern and caring for students, staff and the community, drive board members’ desire to lead so students can achieve. 

Thank you to the following Board Members for your extraordinary dedication, selfless service, leadership, wisdom and commitment to providing the best education to our students.  We are grateful for all that you do for Wayne Local Schools and the Waynesville community. 

David Barton (12 years), Susan Blair (6 years), Dr. Jim Byers (2 years), Brad Conner (4.5 years), Danny McCloud (concluded 16 years), Darren Amburgy (newly elected);  Also pictured:  Mr. Patrick Dubbs, Superintendent (far left) and Mr. Ron James, Treasurer (far right)