Elementary School News

Notice Regarding Athletics - Phase II Begins

Posted on: June 26, 2020
baseball diamond lights image

Notice:  June 26, 2020

COVID-19 Return to Play - Phase 2

Wayne Local High School
735 Dayton Road
Waynesville, OH 45068

Download Phase 2 Document here


On Thursday, June 18th, 2020 both Governor DeWine's Office and the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) announced the next reopening phase of athletics in Ohio. These announcements from both the Governor's office and OHSAA permit the next phase of reopening of school facilities (at the discretion of individual school districts) as well as individual skill training for student-athletes to begin as soon as Monday, June 22. We’re excited that our student-athletes will soon be able to responsibly resume active participation in extracurricular activities. District administrators have met and have examined guidelines from OHSAA, and the Governor’s office. Utilizing these sets of recommendations, our administration has put a plan in place to ensure the safest possible “return to play” for all of our students, coaches and staff starting June 22nd. 

Coaches, parents and students involved in summer workouts and practices as well as organizations/groups that use our facilities must agree and adhere to our ‘return to play” guidelines.


Safe & Voluntary Workouts - All summer workouts are totally voluntary. The goal of summer workouts is to build a physical foundation for injury prevention and improve skills in preparation for the season.  This must be done in a safe manner.  Coaches, parents, and athletes must work together to create and maintain a safe and sanitary environment.   



This document shall serve as a plan for the re-socialization of students participating in extracurricular activities in grades 7-12 in the Wayne Local School District.Points of emphasis will include: 

1. Procedures prior to and upon arrival to events

2. Social Distancing Protocols

3. Facilities Cleaning and Sanitation Protocols

4. Hydration

5. Practices, Field Play, Court Play

6. Community use of School Facility

7. Spectators

8. Potential Infection Risk by Sport- steps to resuming


1. Providing Support/ Expressing Care- a “Restarting of Athletics” plan that allows for the resocialization of students, coaches, and staff for a period of time that safely allows for student participation in extracurricular activities for the benefit of their social, emotional and physical well-being.

2. Challenging Growth/ Sharing Power-  a “Restarting of Athletics” plan that allows for safe interactions and participation following the protocols set forth and approved by the Warren County Health Department, NFHS/OHSAA Guidance For Opening Up High School Athletics and Facilities. This plan is just one step in restoring confidence in the safety of  our students, family and community. 


-  Face coverings should be worn when feasible and are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult.

-  Workouts and activities will be a blend of outside and inside.. Handwashing, restrooms,  shower facilities, weightroom, gym  and the athletic trainers room will be the only indoor access that students, coaches, and staff will have.

-  Contact practice, sport specific skill training, conditioning, strength conditioning programs, sports specific activities and drills are permitted until further notice. No competitions or games are permitted with other schools or communities. NON-CONTACT sports only may resume competitive games and tournaments. 


Procedures prior to and upon arrival to events:

All coaches,parents and students should be screened for signs/ symptoms of COVID-19 prior to workout sessions. Screenings will included:

1. Each sport/ session will have an electronic ‘monitoring form’ at check-in through our FINAL FORMS program. 

- WHS personnel will ask a series of questions regarding symptoms.

- WHS personnel will conduct temperature checks/ no touch infrared thermometers provided.

2. Any person with positive symptoms reported will not be permitted to take part in workouts.

- WHS personnel will contact the player’s legal guardian and inform them of any positive symptoms found.

- WHS personnel will direct families to contact their primary health care provider

or other appropriate health care professional.

3. Vulnerable individuals should not oversee or participate in any workout sessions.

- WHS personnel are willing to provide individual workouts for athletes who have a

concern of being in a group setting.


Social Distancing Protocols:

All coaches, staff and students when gathering for training, drills, and conditioning, will be permitted to be on the turf, track, grass weight room or gym areas to ensure social distancing.

1. Athletes will be assigned to small group cohorts. 

- Athletes in their assigned cohorts will travel with designated coaches to individual workout stations.

- Coaches and staff will use field lines, cones, dots etc. where needed for social distancing. 

-Indoor workouts will be conducted with the same small cohort stipulations. 

2. Each sport/session will be given a designated “arrival time”  for check-in to prevent congregating and large groups.

- Athletes will keep all personal items bagged in a designated area.


Facilities Cleaning and Sanitation Protocols:

Adequate cleaning schedules will be created and implemented for all athletic facilities to mitigate any communicable diseases.

1. WHS will assist and provide necessary materials.

- Hand sanitizer– will be plentiful and available within all workout and activity arenas. 

- Towels– towels will be laundered on site in the WHS block house facility.

2. Locker room facilities will be locked.

- WHS will provide access to handwashing stations, restroom facilities, shower facility, weight room, gym and the athletic training  room.

3. Weight Room and Gyms: Prior to groups or sessions entering facilities, all hard surfaces will be disinfected and sanitized. 

- Coaches, staff and students will disinfect and sanitize any equipment used during training sessions, before and after use.

- Limited use of equipment during these workout sessions.

- Any equipment, weight benches, athletic pads with holes with exposed foam, will be properly covered. 

- All athletic equipment, including balls, will be cleaned intermittently. 

4. Appropriate clothing/shoes will be worn at all times to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment and other individuals.

- Students, coaches and staff are required to wear T-shirts at all times.

-T-shirts and clothing must be in an unaltered state. No holes, cuts, tears, or rips.

- Any student not in compliance will be sent home.

5. Students, coaches and staff will be encouraged to wash their workout clothing upon returning home.



All students, coaches and staff will bring their own water bottle.

1. Water bottles will not be shared. Water bottles must be labeled.

2. Outdoor watering stations and hydration stations will be left on for medical necessities needed and designated by athletic trainers. 


Practices, Field Play, Court Play:

  1. Six feet social distance must be maintained between individuals except when on the field or court of play. 

  2. Physical contact is only permitted within the rules of the game during competitive practice. 

  3. Limit time spent on activities where players are in close proximity for extended periods of time.

  4. Scrimmages, games, competitions are only permitted with members of your team attending the open court, gym or field. 

  5. NOT PERMITTED: competitions between different schools or communities. No 7 on 7’s, summer tournaments, or team camps involving different schools or communities. 


Community Use of School Facility:

  1. No games or competitions are permitted on the fields or in the stadium. 

  2. Community members may access the fields, stadium, and running track ONLY when student athletes are NOT using the facility. 

  3. Community use or outside groups must contact the athletic director in order to be placed on the facilities calendar. Facilities waiver and agreement will need to be signed.



  1. Spectators must conduct daily self symptoms assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home. 

  2. Six feet social distancing must be maintained between individuals. 

  3. No congregating before or after practices is permitted


Potential Infection Risk by Sport- Steps to resuming:

Lower risk sports practices and competitions may resume while following health and safety protocols. Modified practices may begin for Moderate risk sports. 

Lower Risk: Individual running events, cross country, sideline cheer, golf, throwing events, and individual swimming events. 

Moderate Risk: *Volleyball, basketball, *softball, *baseball, soccer, *tennis, swimming relays, *pole vault, *high jump, *long jump, 7 on 7 football

*- these sports can potentially be considered “Lower Risk” with appropriate cleaning of equipment.  


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NOTICE –  Posted on June 3, 2020

Returning to Play- General Guidelines

Return to Play - Health Check


Dear Spartan Families:

We are all excited to restart some of our athletic activities beginning Monday, June 8!  The below link is to a Google Doc that outlines very stringent health and safety requirements for all athletic activities here on campus.   Please read over the document carefully.  As you will see, every parent/guardian must electronically sign the parent waiver form before their child's first training session. Attached is also WHS- Return to Play- General Guidelines and Health Check documents.

All student-athletes and coaches will complete a health screening each time they arrive at a training session. 

All student-athletes, coaches, and parent drivers will be asked to park in the Middle School or Bicentennial Park lots. Student-athletes will enter through the stadium gate closest to the playground.

Head coaches and/or the Athletic Director will be in contact regarding schedules for your sport if they have not already done so.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you and stay safe.

Waynesville Athletics COVID-19 Reopening Plan



Ryan Hill
Athletic Director
6th Grade Health Teacher
Waynesville High School
659 Dayton Road
Waynesville, OH 45068
513.897.8756 (office)

image of athletic equipment

SUPERINTENDENT MESSAGE – Posted on May 26, 2020


In light of COVID-19, we want to assure you that the health and safety of our students and staff is a top priority.  We are taking precautionary steps to provide a clean, safe and comfortable environment.  The administrative staff has been working on procedures for athletes, students and staff to follow in accordance with the Warren County Health District. 

As we are finalizing these new standards, athletic workouts will NOT start before Monday, June 8th, 2020 for incoming 9th through 12th grade students.   We will be communicating final guidelines with head coaches as soon as they are available.  In the near future, we will determine when the younger students may resume practice and workouts. 

We will continue to monitor this situation closely and make decisions based on what is best for our students, staff, and district.