Elementary School News

Progressive Women's Club Foundation Preparing Scholarships for Seniors

Posted on: March 16, 2018
purple hands all on top of each other

Progressive Women's Club Foundation


Help the Progressive Women’s Club Foundation raise money for scholarships for graduating seniors and Waynesville area charities. Buy tickets to attend the Annual Silent Auction and buffet dinner, Thursday, April 19th and find a great item among the nearly a hundred provided. In the past 20 years, Progressive Women’s Club has raised more than $200,000 and given it away in scholarships and grants to charitable groups, with all funds benefiting Waynesville citizens.

Reserved table seating is limited.  Tickets are $25. More than half have sold. Event begins at 5:30 p.m. at Crossview Christian Church. Among the auction items:   Kings Island, Dragons, and other event tickets;  many gift certificates for services and entertainment; art and handcrafted pieces; a Kindle; food and entertainment baskets; garden items; and wide assortment of personal and household gifts.  After dinner, guest auctioneer Colonel Brian Blankenship leads an entertaining, short, live auction. To purchase tickets, or for more information, contact Marian Toth, mariantoth@me.com, 513-465-4093, or Lisa Gooding, lagooding22@gmail.com, 937-371-1066.

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