Elementary School News


Posted on: April 14, 2020
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We are all living in unprecedented times and the impact on our lives, personally, socially, and professionally, is significant. Wayne Local Schools is committed to a Waynesville Way approach to teaching and learning. Our Waynesville Way approach will allow us to be compassionate, responsive, and equitable to our students’ and families’ unique situations and circumstances.

Our approach to grading reflects the following principles:

EXPRESS CARE: While we adjust to a new remote learning experience, our focus is first and foremost on student learning and ensuring our students’ well-being. During this unprecedented time, students’ grades are secondary to student learning.

SHARE POWER: Strong relationships and open communication among our school teams, students, and families are essential elements for supporting students’ engagement in learning.

PROVIDE SUPPORT: Students and their families are having a wide range of experiences during this worldwide crisis. Our grading policies must do no harm to any child. We will continue to recognize challenges our students and families may be facing, while understanding that the same challenges may be out of their control.

Remote Learning and Grading Expectations

● Students are expected to complete assignments with Remote Learning Experience and progress in their learning. Students will demonstrate engagement by logging into their classes and completing and submitting RLE assignments and activities, including components that allow them to demonstrate their understanding of the content. Students who need extra support should reach out to their teacher with questions, needs, and concerns.

● All students who complete assignments and are actively engaged in RLE will receive a mark of passing in 4th quarter for each individual subject.

● Our school teams will make an effort to connect with students who are not engaging in remote learning. A teacher, in conjunction with the building team (administrators, counselors, and support educators where appropriate), will make every attempt to connect with the student and family to determine how to support the student in engaging in their Remote Learning Experience.

● Students who do not engage in Remote Learning Experience, or who do not show basic levels of understanding, will receive an “incomplete.” Our school teams will make every effort to support each student. If students are unable to engage in remote learning even with those supports from the school team, the school team will collaborate with students and/or family to determine future steps for the student’s learning. Entering Grades during RLE 4th Quarter Grades: We have given significant thought to how 4th quarter grades will be calculated for our students. In grades, PK – 5, students will receive pass/incomplete scores rather than traditional grades. It is our belief that no student should be academically punished as a result of this extended closure. While some of our students may thrive and prefer this remote learning environment, others may struggle. To ensure this extended closure does not inadvertently punish any student, we have devised the following:

  • Students are expected to engage with RLE and progress in their learning. Students will demonstrate engagement by responding to activities and completing remote learning assignments. If students need extra support, families or students should reach out to their teacher with questions, needs, and concerns. 
  • Students are expected to complete assignments and actively engage in RLE during 4th quarter.
  • Our school teams will make an effort to connect with students who are not engaging in remote learning. A teacher, in conjunction with the building team (administrators, counselors, and support educators where appropriate), will make every attempt to connect with the student and family to determine how to support their RLE.
  • Students who do not engage in Remote Learning Experience, or who do not show basic levels of understanding, will receive a mark of incomplete for 4th quarter. Our school teams will make every effort to support each student. If students are unable to engage in remote learning even with those supports from the school team, the school team will collaborate with students’ families to determine future steps for the student’s learning.


Elementary Remote Learning Experience Download

Redirect to MS HS Remote Learning Experience Information Page

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