Elementary School News

Spartan Fun Run 2019 - DATE CHANGE

Posted on: October 2, 2019
date change

Due to the extreme heat temperatures, the Spartan Fun Run has been rescheduled to Thursday, Oct. 10th. 

The Fun Run is a fundraising opportunity that will continue through Friday, Oct. 11th.

Thank you for supporting WES and the WES PTO.

colorful letters in an oval

Today begins a very important fun and healthy way to raise money for students of Waynesville Elementary

The purpose of the Spartan Run Fundraiser is to raise money for the year.  This is our sole fundraiser, if we succeed!!!  Money raised by this fundraiser is used for events, such as Field Day and other assemblies, purchasing paper towels, tissues, Clorox wipes etc. throughout the year,  and much more!

We want to promote a healthy lifestyle to our students and the community.  Please help us reach our fundraising goal by supporting our Fun Run. We have teamed up with Get Movin’© to make this event fun and profitable with online mobile friendly technology! 

We Need All Parents to Complete 3 Easy Steps!

  1. Register your Child by visiting www.getmovinfundhub.com It's free, easy, and fast to register!  For School Identifier use 5d43061119170
  2. Email and/ or Text your child's student fundraising webpage with 10-15 friends and family. It’s super easy!
  3. Post on Facebook or Twitter It's two clicks of a button to post. The average parent has 300 FB friends. You'll be surprised when donations come in from distant relatives/friends from HS/co-workers.  Post and see what happens!

Student Goals!

o   We would love to see100% student registration please visit www.getmovinfundhub.com today!

o   Each student is encouraged to raise $40.00

o   Be an Overachiever Superstar by raising $250.00 


Our TOTAL SCHOOL GOAL is $20,000.00


Event details: 

  • Register your Child today using School Identifier 5d43061119170
  • Event Date: 10/03/2019 (times will be posted closer to event date)
  • Final Donation due date: 10/11/2019 12:00 AM
  • We prefer online donations through your child’s webpage
  • Donations in the form of cash & checks (in-school donations), should be turned in to the school.

o    Please make checks payable to: Waynesville Elementary