Elementary School News

Special Olympics and Life Course Informational Event

Posted on: November 1, 2018

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November 8th    5:30 – 7:00

Spartan Room

On Thursday November 8th, representatives from Warren County and Springboro Special Olympics and Life Course will be providing information about the services they offer.  This program is offered to all elementary, middle and high school students.

Special Olympics will begin their presentation at 5:30 and discuss the different opportunities that they offer to school age students.  Different sports are offered throughout the year and are modified to meet each individual’s needs.

At 6:00, Life Course will discuss their framework that was created to help individuals and families of all abilities and at any age.  Topics discussed will include the current state of life development, a vision for a good life, and how to find or develop supports needed to assist your child in living the live they want to live.  This is a free service offered to families through Cincinnati Children’s and UC.

Please join us on November 8th.  Parents need to RSVP by November 6th so that we have enough materials for everyone. 

To RSVP or if you have any questions please contact Christy Baker at cbaker@wayne-local.com.   Thank you in advance and we hope to see you there!