Elementary School News


Posted on: September 3, 2021
superintendent message


September 3, 2021

Ohio Department of Health Pilot Quarantine Project

Wayne Local Schools want to keep our students safe and in school.  Warren County school districts have been in the news this week because of a request to try a multi-tiered modification to current quarantine protocols.  First, let me state this modified approach has not been fully approved at this point.  Wayne Local Schools, along with nine other Warren County districts, are working through many logistics and details.  Hours and hours of work is invested into this project.  Unfortunately, some news media and others have made it appear that the program is already fully enacted.  Wayne Local Schools is still clarifying and examining the many elements needed for successful implementation.

The framework of the guidelines will be created and approved by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH).  Wayne Local Schools emphasizes safety for our students and staff.  Individuals who are sick will be required to stay home.  Individuals who are not sick may remain in school.  As we learn to live with COVID-19, we strive to develop better systems to determine which students are sick and contagious.  After a year of quarantines, we know the process has a negative impact on students and their families.  Quarantined students are socially isolated along with the impact on academic growth.  Currently, students exposed to coronavirus are required to be fully quarantined at home if they’re not vaccinated or wearing a mask through contact tracing. The modified plan would allow unvaccinated, non-masked students who are exposed to the virus to remain in class; however the “exposed” student must remain symptom free and be tested twice within a seven (7) day window.  The “exposed” individuals will be required to wear a mask throughout the duration of the modified quarantine.  Parents will have quarantine options under the Ohio Department of Health’s Pilot.   

Similar to our current quarantine protocols, any individual identified through contact tracing as being “exposed” immediately enters our quarantine process.  Parents of the student will be contacted and made aware of the exposure.  Separation from other non-exposed students continues to be an emphasis until full contact tracing is completed.  Elements of the contact tracing process include whether the individual is vaccinated or wearing a mask.   

Under the Pilot Quarantine Program, an individual not vaccinated and not wearing a mask, yet symptom free, will be given a pathway to remain in school.  Families and students will be instructed about the modified pilot option after an exposure.  Within the modified pilot option, there are some very specific steps that must be followed.  No family or student has to accept the pilot option.  It's a choice the family likely will want to discuss and may want to consult their family doctor.  


Likely Elements of the Pilot Program include:

  • SYMPTOM FREE EACH DAY; at any point the exposed individual displays symptoms he/she will be quarantined at home.
  • Parents shall sign a modified quarantine waiver that acknowledges the student was identified as a close contact of a student and/or staff member who has tested positive for COVID-19. The student has been determined ineligible for an exemption to local quarantine procedures through vaccination or consistent masking. The student and her/his parents have been notified of the requirement to quarantine under the guidelines set forth by the Warren County Department of Health.  Wayne Local School District is participating in a pilot program that will allow the student to return to school immediately as long as the student remains compliant with specific masking, monitoring and testing obligations for the next fourteen (14) days.
  • Parents accept responsibility for performing daily temperature and symptom checks. The district will also monitor symptoms during any modified quarantine period.  Student shall stay at home if experiencing ANY of the following symptoms: fever (100˚F or higher), chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Individuals participating in the modified quarantine shall wear a mask while at school and when in close contact with others. 
  • Parents agree their child will be tested twice within a 7 day window.  The first test will occur on day 3 and the second test will occur during days 5-7.  Both tests must be negative to remain in school.  A positive test at any point places the individual in home quarantine.
  • Tests must be performed under very specific protocol.  Home tests bought and performed outside of the protocols will not be accepted for the modified quarantine process.
  • All tests for the modified quarantine must be authorized by a physician or health care provider.  We believe at this time there will be multiple ways to have a test authorized; two (2) likely scenarios include:
  1. An authorized rapid test at school that has been approved by a partnering physician or health care provider.
  1. A test taken directly by a physician or health care provider chosen by the family.
  • Currently, we believe students will be unable to participate in extracurricular activities.  The pilot quarantine is intended to keep students in school.  Outside of the school day, the health department will expect the individual to quarantine at home.


We remain committed to keeping students safe and in school.  We ask for your patience as we diligently work with our project partners to ensure the safety and academic success of our students.  We will share more information about the pilot as we receive more guidance and clarity from the Ohio Department of Health.