Elementary School News

The Santa Shop Dec. 11-15

Posted on: December 13, 2017

The Elementary Santa Shop is in full swing, with volunteers ready to help to the youngsters shop for their loved ones.  

lots of stuff on tables
two women with elf aprons on
woman at a table with reindeer antlers
woman with elf apron on
the word Santa Shop

Santa Shop is coming! December 11-15.

Please use the sign up link below if you'd like to help.  Fingerprinted and completed background check required.

Santa Shop Volunteers Click Here

Details about SANTA'S SHOP 2017.. This year we have an outside company providing all items for our shop. All items will be between $1 and $5 with something for everyone. Envelopes will be coming home with your student next week and they will be shopping during their normal library time. For questions, please send an email to Santa Shop Questions and we'll be happy to address them.