Elementary School News

Update from Superintendent Pat Dubbs

Posted on: September 1, 2017



Our school campus is a daily destination for community members whether we are in school or not. This high volume of activity causes traffic issues complicated by current campus limitations. An improved school transportation and traffic plan is a part of our facilities planning. It will help reduce traffic congestion and create a safer environment for our students, staff and visitors.


Features of our plan include:

· Improving safety for everyone whether they are walking from home or just from the passenger seat of a bus or car

· Designing traffic flows so it does not interfere with pedestrian traffic. School walk routes will identify the best places for students to cross

· Locating parking lots away from student loading and unloading locations and other areas with high foot traffic

· Providing separate travel lanes for buses to limit interaction with other traffic and pedestrians

· Separate parent drop off and pickup locations from bus areas with appropriate signs to indicate each. Drivers will be able to stay with their vehicles and pull forward at the curb with ample space and progress forward allowing passengers to enter or exit avoiding interference with moving traffic.

· Well lit and illuminated parking lots and travel areas especially at night and during inclement weather

· Clearly identified short-term visitor parking located close to the main entrance of each building

· Ample parking space for students, staff, visitors and event parking


October 10, 2017 is the deadline for voter registration for the November 7, 2017 election. Use Ohio’s on-line voter registration system: https://olvr.sos.state.oh.us/NCOA/NCOA. Wayne Local Schools will be on the ballot with a 4.68 mills bond issue and is in-line to receive limited 21% funding for educational related elements of the project from the State of Ohio.