Elementary School News

WLS Will Practice Remote Learning on Nov. 30th & Dec. 1st

Posted on: November 23, 2020
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Wayne Local Schools has been developing a “Student, Parent and Staff Plan for Remote Learning.”   The multi-faceted plan addresses remote learning in case Warren County moves to Level 4 or “Purple” in the State’s Public Health Advisory System, an unexpected staff shortage, widespread quarantine, or adverse weather conditions.

In preparation, the district will implement remote learning for all students on Monday, November 30th and Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 for Option 1 in-person instruction students. Attendance will be taken and instructional delivery evaluated for efficiency and success. The students will return to in-person instruction on Wednesday, December 2nd.

Transportation will continue to be provided for students in our outside programs such as the Warren County Career Center and WCESC programs during remote learning sessions.

Going remote for the two days following Thanksgiving Break will allow the schools to be fully prepared if the district is forced to use remote learning for a brief or extended period.   The administrative team will then be able to make any adjustments or enhancements to the remote learning process for a smooth transition if needed during the 2020/21 school year. With increased COVID cases across Ohio, potentially family holiday gatherings pose a risk of viral spread. This allows two additional days to minimize potential quarantines.

Parents should contact the school if any issues or concerns arise during the November 30 and December 1, 2020 remote learning instruction. Also, parents should not send children to school after a holiday break if symptoms appear or exposure has occurred.