High School News

22 Strong

Posted on: September 27, 2017

  At Last Week's Football Game, students displayed a chain that was in shape of two '2's to signify the image of 22Strong. Throughout Homecoming week, orange slips were passed out in all schools and the students were to write down what they liked about the Waynesville Community. The SADD (Students. Against. Destructive. Decisions.) linked all of the pieces of paper to show unity and support throughout the whole community.

   "This year, our school wide goal is to act as one. As many of you in the community know, the motto we are using is 22Strong. We would like the focus and support to be spread across all 22 of our extracurricular groups. Efforts have been made by the Administration and the Student Athlete Leadership Conference to incorporate free admission to home athletic events for students, tailgates, and the “spirit bus”. There has already been a large change in student support and school spirit. We are looking forward to seeing how the 22Strong philosophy will impact the rest of the school, district, and community." -SADD Students

22 strong image on field