High School News

ACT - Coming Soon

Posted on: March 23, 2021
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ACT Test at Waynesville High School 

When:  Saturday, April 17th
Time:  8:00am

Late Registration at:  CLICK HERE

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Waynesville High School Families, 

The State of Ohio is paying for all 11th grade students to take the ACT.  Waynesville High School will be administering this test on Tuesday, March 9th, 2021. In an attempt to provide the best testing environment possible for our students and to meet the processes and protocols set forth by ACT:

  • ONLY 11th grade students will be in attendance on March 9th.  This includes 11th grade WCCC and VLA students. 
  • 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students who attend WHS will be remote learning.  Their teachers will be giving them assignments/tasks to complete via Google Classroom.