High School News

ACT Information Updates SPRING & FALL 2020

Posted on: April 23, 2020
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 New ACT registration deadlines for No penalty or payment:

● For June 13 ACT Test: Register by May 8, 2020

● For July 18 ACT Test: Register by June 19, 2020



  • ACT Section Retesting
  • ACT Super Scoring
  • Faster Results with Online Testing Section Retesting
  • Students must take a full ACT test before they can retake one or more single-section subject (Writing not required)
  • All sections except writing – ACT is deciding if there will be a writing retest
  • Can take up to 3 Section Tests at one time/sitting
  • Price not set for Section Tests
  • Increase to 4 fee waivers for Junior/Senior. One fee waiver per test day.
  • Do not have to sit for Full Test if doing section retest



  • Section Retest only available online but will offer same accommodations
  • Online accommodations for online coming out shortly
  • Original test can be paper or online. Those with accommodations will have online option.
  • Students are NOT required to bring their own device.
  • No decision yet if ACT retests will have to be taken in the Same Order as ACT


ACT Super Scoring

  • Students can directly submit ACT Super Scores to colleges & universities
  • Student needs to ask college if they take Super Scores
  • When making decision for sending – can decide to send Super score or individual battery scores 

         (Full ACT test is a battery)


Super Scoring

  • Tests as far back as Sept. 2016 will be considered for super score
  • Available on Student Web account so will see before deciding to send to college
  • No maximum of ACT scores/tests/sections for Super Score
  • Super Score & Individual Tests will be reported to the HS


Online ACT Testing

  • Students can review the Free Online Testing information at ACT.org
  • Students will have the Choice for paper OR online. Do not have to do online.
  • No identifier to colleges if student took paper or online.
  • Online has been offered to State and District test taking since 2015 – Now at National Test



  • When a student registers for the ACT test, starting in July, will see which centers are offering the ACT test online. The ACT registration system will show them how close the nearest online test center is based on the zip code they enter for their test center location search
  • All students testing online will have a number of tools they can use, including a line reader and highlighter, to help them navigate through the test as they do while testing on paper today.
  • Online can use scratch paper for Math and Science
  • All Costs, time/length of test identical.