High School News

Artists of Italy and France Trip a Success!

Posted on: April 9, 2019

First spring break art trip was a success! Our art trip over spring break to France and Italy exposed students to art, culture and language. During the trip travelers visited Rome, Florence and Paris. In each city we saw lots of famous artworks and got to do some of our own art in workshops. We visited museums and strolled the streets to experience real Italian and Parisian life. One of the things that students learned was, how to navigate, both cities and metros. Just this was a big step for some who had never tried this before. Artwork and architecture was everywhere and students got to see how art has played such a huge role in our societies. They also implemented their language skills from foreign language classes each day. Seeing our students recall information about works of art or use French to talk to locals was amazing. They applied their skills in real life and saw how important and freeing their education can be. Mentalities were changed and horizons broadened,  we hope that students now have the confidence to be active global citizens. Check out just a few photos of our students enjoying their time abroad! 

The next opportunity for such a trip is coming in 2021, where juniors and seniors who are in the art and foreign language classes will be able to join.   There will be an informational meeting by the end of the year for our next trip so stay tuned! 

group of people all smiling and posing together
group picture
2 girls with eiffel tower in background
group of people relaxing
tourist young man
girl smiling