High School News

Be-A-Hero: Pay It Forward Campaign

Posted on: January 18, 2018
superhero images

            Be A Hero: Pay it Forward Campaign


This Pay it Forward Campaign is designed to have students help others by bringing hygiene products to fill a Hero Bag. The items collected will be distributed to other students on January 29thth, 2018.  These items are basic necessities that some families may need to get through the month. There will be collection boxes found in the lobby of each building for you to drop donations. Collections can be made from January 16th -26th.   Community support is welcome and appreciated as well!


 ALL BAGS: Shampoo/Conditioner, body wash, toothbrush/toothpaste/floss, and deodorant. Bags will also be filled with additional MALE or FEMALE items:

 Males-  men’s comb, finger nail file cleaner/brush, small bottle of laundry detergent and softener sheets, socks, or hair gel.

Female- feminine products, small brush, hair ties, socks, lotion. Detergent and dryer sheets may also be donated.

Be A Hero was created in memory of Justin Back who consistently gave back to others. This is a great way to be a Hero to someone else.  

Thank you!   Cathy Joefreda cjoefreda@wayne-local.com    513-897-2776, ext. 4005