High School News


Posted on: April 24, 2020
image of a computer device

As remote learning was implemented during the coronavirus pandemic, Wayne Local Schools lent Chromebooks to students in need of an electronic device. 

We have made the decision that Chromebooks may remain with students over the summer.  Please keep in mind that parents signed a release affirming the Chromebooks will be used for educational purposes and returned to the school in its current condition.  The guidelines outlined below should be followed:

  • Parents may be responsible for damages incurred and are expected to take common sense precautions to protect the device.
  • Keep the device in a safe place when not in use. 
  • Do not allow the Chromebook’s battery to completely drain before recharging the device.    
  • Contact the tech department immediately to report any damages, issues or concerns at tech@wayne-local.com

As no decision has been made in regard to schools re-opening in the fall, the device may be necessary to continue with remote learning in the upcoming school year. 

If you will be graduating, moving, or withdrawing from the district, contact Karyn Phillips at kphillips@wayne-local.com to make arrangements to turn in your Chromebook. 

Additional Chromebooks will not be loaned out to students until the start of the 2020/2021 school year. 

As this is an evolving situation, we will continue to provide updates as we rely on guidance from national, state and local authorities.   We are all in this together, doing our very best to keep our students and community safe while continuing to support their academic progress.  Thank you for your cooperation.