High School News

Class of 2016 Senior Bulletin

Posted on: April 18, 2016
Tags: Parent information

April 25th          Cap and Gowns Delivered - 11:30am Lobby
April 26th          Mid-term grades checked – Conferences with those seniors who are in danger of not graduating
April 30th          Prom – BE SAFE!!!
May 13th           Decision Deadline – Pick Walking Partners
May 13th           Letter/Phone Call to parents of award recipients for senior honors program.
May 16th           Honors Assembly Practice – 11:30-12:30 (WCCC need not attend unless you are coming                               on 5/17 am program)

May 17th           Senior Breakfast/Honors Assembly/Senior farewell – 8:00 A.M.- All seniors are required to be here                               and will participate in the assembly. (WCCC-Optional)   We will meet in the cafeteria at 7:15 for                              breakfast and line up for the assembly.  You must wear your cap and gown! NO JEANS OR TENNIS                               SHOES

May 17th         Senior Awards Program – 7:00 P.M. – This evening we will hand out all scholarships and                            awards for seniors.  Please make sure you are here on time and dress appropriately- You do not                            wear  your cap and gown for this program.

2016 Senior Final Exam Schedule    

May 17th  - Normal Schedule for Grades 9-12   
Normal Schedule 1st – 6th Period for all students including seniors!
7th Period                    1:45 -  2:32  - 7th period Senior Exams Start

 May 18th  - Normal Schedule for Grades 9-11
Warning Bell                 7:30
1st Period                     7:35 – 8:22 - 1st period Exam
2nd Period                    8:25 – 9:12 - 1st period Exam
3rd Period                     9:15 – 10:02 - 2nd period Exam
4th Period                    10:02 – 12:02 - 2nd period Exam
5th Period                    12:05 – 12:52 - 5th  period Exam
6th Period                    12:55 – 1:42 - 5th  period Exam
7th Period                    1:45 -  2:32  - 7th period Exam (If needed)

Any senior who does not want to take 3 or 4 exam's in one day can use the option to take one or more exam's on May 20th   

May 19th    – Normal Schedule for Grades 9-11
Warning Bell                 7:30
1st Period                     7:35 – 8:22 – 3rd  period Exam
2nd Period                    8:25 – 9:12 – 3rd  period Exam
3rd Period                     9:15 – 10:02 – 4th  period Exam
4th Period                    10:02 – 12:02 – 4th  period Exam
5th Period                    12:05 – 12:52 - 6th  period Exam
6th Period                    12:55 – 1:42 - 6th  period Exam
7th Period                     1:45 -  2:32  - Make-up

Any senior who does not want to take 3 exams in one day can use the option to take one or more exam's on May 21st  

May 20th Normal Schedule for Grades 9-11
Warning Bell                7:30
1st Period                    7:35 – 8:22 –  Make-up
2nd Period                   8:25 – 9:12 –  Make-up
3rd Period                    9:15 – 10:02 –  Make-up
4th Period                    10:02 – 12:02 –  Make-up
5th Period                    12:05 – 12:52 -  Make-up
6th Period                    12:55 – 1:42 -  Make-up
7th Period                    1:45 -  2:32  - Make-up

Senior Exam Exemptions*
You cannot fail either the 3rd or 4th quarter and must have a 75% or higher  average in the class you are to be exempt.
No ASI’s 2nd semester  
No exemptions for semester courses.
*AP Courses – Teacher Option
*Foreign Language – Teacher Option for those taking the college placement test in May at Sinclair
*Band/Choir – May Use Graduation for Final Exam
*CCP – Uses the college schedule but still required to attend HS class until final exam – they do not need to come in during exam time if they have already completed exam for CCP

May 19th      WCCC Senior Awards Ceremony – 7 PM

May 20th       Last Day - Senior grades due and checked – you must have 21 credits and pass all of the OGT sections.

May 20th      All Scholarships and financial aid information reported to Ms. Joe. Pay all fees and fines – you will not                         receive a diploma if you have outstanding fees.

May 26th      Graduation Practice – 10:00 – MANDATORY – you must be at this practice if you are going to walk at                         graduation. We will follow practice with a cookout. ALL outstanding fees must be paid.  Final check of                         senior grades

May 28th      Alumni Banquet – WHS Gym

May 29th      GRADUATION!!!! – You must be here no later than 1:15 and report to the second floor of the high school.                          You must wear your cap and gown! NO JEANS OR TENNIS SHOES