High School News

College and Career Information

Posted on: March 1, 2021
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What does your teen want to do when they grow up?

Most likely you’ll hear they want to be a pro-athlete, doctor, fireman, police officer, lawyer, singer, actor, etc. Or, you’ll hear what is “in” and popular on television like forensics investigator or reality TV. The younger the teen the more unrealistic they are about the choice they make. In most cases, they don’t know what these occupations actually do, but there is some aspect that captures their interest.  More importantly, how do they get there and what are their options.
WLS are engaging students with career exploration more than ever. We want them to learn about different career pathways to help them pursue future plans, and not miss opportunities in high school such as Experiential Learning Program, Warren County Career Center Programs, College Credit Plus, Project Lead The Way, Informational Tech Programs, and the Pre- Apprenticeship Program coming soon in the near future. For the older students, investigate Articulated Agreements, Work+ Programs, and Military opportunities to take advantage of after graduation.
Check out all the things your child is being exposed to when it comes to Career Pathways and College.
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Questions? Contact ashinkle@wayne-local.com or krogers@wayne-local.com