High School News

Community Service Project - The Gazebo on Main Street

Posted on: October 29, 2020
group of people jumping into the air

On Wednesday, a team of students from Waynesville High School, all working for community service hours, headed to the Gazebo on Main Street for some much needed attention to the landscaping.  The team worked for several hours to trim dead vines, rake leaves, remove debris, and give some care to the grounds surrounding the gazebo. 

They attracted a lot of attention as they had many locals stopping to see what all of the action was about.  With several major holiday events coming up along Historic Downtown Main Street, the team of students really made improvements to the area in preparation for a final mowing and edging, Christmas lights and decorations soon to come.  

Super proud of their efforts and their "give-back" to the Waynesville Community.  

If you are interested in getting involved in future efforts, or you would like to obtain some community service hours, please email Kelly Miller at kmiller@waynelocal.net

collage of people doing landscaping
collage of landscaping pictures with a gazebo

Before and After Pictures of the Area