High School News

Congrats 30+ ACT Scorers

Posted on: May 7, 2020
big letters with a line under

CT  30+   2019-20 School Year 


Class of 2020

Brandon Blair
Nathan   Eshler
Megan  Handle
Julianah  Harter
Will Kelley
David  Muth
Anna Parry
Caleb Walton
Zeke Wessendarp
Jacob  Wieland

Class of 2021

Levi Bulach
Leah Butterbaugh
Eli  Click
Anna Crafton
Hannah Gill
Cooper Koch
Lucy Krumholz
Sidney Lauffer
Levi Morgan
Alex Nelson
Caiden Roos
Wyatt  Shinkle
Alaina Spencer
Landen  Stricker
Samuel Warren 


Class of 2022

Andrew Weaver


*Please note:  A few of the ACT scores may not have been reported to the school as of the date of this post, some of which we are from the free Junior Test that was offered.