High School News

CORRECTION - Choir Spring Flower Fundraiser Pick UP

Posted on: April 24, 2018
flower basket with light and dark pink flowers

Posted:  4-24-2018

*** Spring flower sale pickup is Monday, APRIL 30th from 2:30-6:00 ***

Posted:  2-26-2018

Choir Spring Flower Fundraiser begins TODAY! 
February 26 - March 12

Below is the URL to click on to purchase Spring flowers from Foertmeyer & Sons to support the choir.   The sale starts today and ends Monday March 12. Checks should be made out to WHS. 

Please note:  Each choir student has order forms and a brochure to shop.  However if you wish to place your order online with that student, you will need to use the student’s URL link, as each student has his/her own.  

General Link:  https://app.fundraiseit.org/shop.php?code=23202 

Questions:  EMAIL