High School News

Educational Visioning Process

Posted on: September 19, 2018
yellow sun, green hill, and the word visioning


On August 30, 2018, thirty (30) stakeholders met at the Warren County Educational Service Center for an educational visioning process.  This group included administration, staff, students, parents, early childhood, church, community, business and board of education representatives. 

New school facilities will always be impacted by enrollment projections, facility assessments and operational realities.  The session by our architects LWC, Inc., was designed to look deeper and ask participants to consider and react to emerging educational needs in the design of our new elementary building.  We want our new elementary to provide a future-focused learning environment. 

Throughout the day participants worked in groups discussing primary shifts in educational delivery and school building design.  Many of the visioning participants have taken part in a series of school facility tours.  Our design team has been actively listening to the dialogue created by these tours and the visioning process.  We are identifying and highlighting aspects of new schools that resonate with our stakeholders.  All of this is driving the schematic designs produced by our architectural firm. 

See attached results of the visioning process

Letter to the Attendees 

CLICK HERE for more information on the Construction Process