High School News

Experiential Learning, Lean Six Sigma, Internships, and Career Development at WHS

Posted on: January 31, 2023
career guidance

What Are We Doing?

  • Students are participating in a variety of activities to help them find the path to future careers 

    • Career exploration, financial literacy, college visits, workplace visits, and in-school presentations 

    • 2nd semester partner with county to explore careers and learn valuable skills

Lean Six Sigma

  • We have adopted a program known to many in the private sector known as Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt, Yellow Belt, and Leadership)

    • Toyota, GE, Motorola

    • Look for small changes 

  • Students will receive a credential (belt) they can list on a resume 

  • Idea is for students to first learn the process (yellow) and second find a problem, fix it, and create a long term solution (green)

Experiential Learning

  • This program is two-fold with students working at job sites and in internship programs, along with a partnership with Sinclair Community College 

    • Students are in business, pharmacy, education, manufacturing, therapy, and construction

  • Students participating with Sinclair Community College competed in a “Shark Tank” style competition

    • Create a product, research it, present to a panel of judges

Warren County Career Center

  • All 9th and 10th grade parents and students were invited to an information night about the Warren County Career Center in November 

  • A presentation regarding the programs, important dates, misconceptions, and FAQs were presented (57 students applied to WCCC)

  • Students selected 2 programs to visit in December at the Atrium Campus and Main Campus 

    • (57 students applied to WCCC)

experiential learning
experiential learning
experiential learning
experiential learning