High School News

Experiential Learning with The Golden Lamb Farm

Posted on: September 25, 2020
boy hoeing a field

Experiential Learning Senior Liam Harper, works at The Golden Lamb Farm, helping maintain and produce goods for the restaurant. Liam works 2-3 days a week as part of our work-based learning program. Liam will also participate in 4 One-Day job shadowing experiences while involved in the program. He will job shadow various careers fields he is interested in, including trades and professional careers. Liam plans on getting an apprentice in welding or another trade or attending Warren County Career Center Adult Education program.  As part of our program, he is learning the skills necessary to run a small business, and plan and prepare for the future of an established restaurant. We are thrilled Liam enjoys his time here and is learning so much. 

More on the Experiential Learning Program