High School News

Fill the Bus

Posted on: August 5, 2019
school bus with children

Peoples Bank works to partner with Wayne Local Schools and the entire community for the first annual campaign of ...


‘Fill the Bus’


This campaign helps students, families, and teachers with costly school supplies.

A Wayne Local School Bus will be parked in Peoples Bank Parking lot, accepting donations from August 5th- 9th.

Donation Items:

crayons, glue sticks, clipboards, stress balls, fidget spinners, lamination sheets, staplers, board games for indoor recess play, baby wipes, Clorox wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer, paper towels, spray cleaner, sharpie markers, play dough, silly putty, Legos, building blocks, expo markers, colored printer paper, black pens, Crayola twist able crayons, paper plates, plastic spoons, pencil sharpeners, gallon zip lock baggies, sandwich zip lock baggies, index cards, drinking straws.


Fill the Bus Campaign-2019-20

school supplies
blue and green bank logo