High School News

Food 2 Go Program

Posted on: April 20, 2020
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Thank you to the team of volunteers who work to ensure our community in need is taken care of.  

If you'd like to help, but are unsure how, we are in need of monetary donations to keep the program going.  We have established a PayPal link to help us with this process.  If you use the link, please designate the Food 2 Go and The Waynesville Way Programs as the beneficiary program by stating Food2Go/TWW


Thank you!



newsletter with images and words
food to go


Beginning upcoming week of 3/22/20, pickups will be Tuesdays and Fridays instead of daily and will include food for all days in-between. 


  • Tuesdays - 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
  • Fridays - 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. 

Email Jan Dworetsky at jdworetsky@wayne-local.com if you would like to secure meals and currently not on the list.   Any questions, please call (513) 897-6971, ext. 1.  (limited hours in office, so its best to email if possible). 


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Wayne Local schools is on a state mandated three week break. During these three weeks our focus is going to be the well-being of our students and community members.  For this reason we are implementing a Food 2 Go program with the initial focus of feeding our students.

We are aware that this pandemic impacts more than just our school. We will be offering food to the entire community. 

Start Date for Food Pick-Up: Wednesday, March 18th, 2020. 

For planning purposes-call to secure your meals:
Wayne Local School’s Central Office:
(513) 897-6971 ext. 1 or email: jdworetsky@wayne-local.com
Call: Monday, March 16th or Tuesday, March 17th- 10:00am- 2:00pm

Pick-up Location:  Middle School Front Entrance
-remain in your car
-curb side service only

Pick-up Times:
10:00am-12:00pm: Families with students-We request that you provide your student’s Lunch PIN number.
12:00pm-1:00pm: Community members without students

*If you are in need and cannot pickup during these times, please contact Jan Dworetsky at (513) 897-6971, ext 1 or email jdworetsky@wayne-local.com

Non- perishables- Drop off-Monday- Friday: 10:00-2:00 daily, Central Office
Monetary donations – checks made payable to Wayne Local Schools
Attn: Ron James 659 Dayton Rd. Waynesville, OH. 45068

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