High School News

Good News from Superintendent Pat Dubbs

Posted on: August 12, 2019
image of a police officer

Date:  August 12, 2019


Welcome to the 2019/20 school year.  Starting a new school year is always an exciting event; however, we also realize the recent events in nearby Dayton force us to focus on safety.  Wayne Local Schools and our close partners, Waynesville Police and Wayne Township Fire Department, are committed to make campus safety top priority for our students, staff, and visitors. 

We welcome Officer Shannon Mermann as our full time School Resource Officer.  He will conduct daily safety sweeps of our facilities.   Doors in all of our buildings are monitored and visitors must report to building offices to sign in and receive a visitor pass.  The board office has an instant background check system for vendors who visit the campus before having access to our property. 

This school year, the district has installed emergency classroom door devices that allow staff and students to quickly barricade a door in the event that an active intruder enters one of our buildings.  We follow A.L.I.C.E. (alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate) protocol as a response to an active intruder. 

Wayne Local Schools uses The Education Connection (TEC) to offer a safety/bully tip line.  Anyone can report anonymously a bullying/safety issue by calling the TEC tip line at (513) 855-4350, option 7 or by going online at waynelocal.tipline.info.  All reports are taken very seriously. 

All volunteers and coaches must have BCI and FBI background results on file at Wayne Local Schools.  The entire Wayne Local Schools campus submits active safety plans to the Center for P-20 Safety and Security in conjunction with Ohio Homeland Security.

Wayne Local Schools have recently purchased a digital-turbo radio system.  This system will allow better coverage for our transportation, office staff and administration to provide communication and alerts during the school day and during any extra-curricular or sporting events. 

Through the strong partnerships we have with both local and county law enforcement and emergency services, we can and will look into any tip of suspicious activity.  Our ultimate goal is to assure that every school building and the entire campus is a safe place for all students from preschool through 12th grade.

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