High School News

High School Schedules Now Available

Posted on: August 17, 2021
course schedules

WHS Student 2021-2022 schedules are now posted on Progress Book.

Please use the Drop/ Add Change Form below if changes need to be made. PLEASE make sure to look at the MASTER Schedule as some sections are closed (CL) therefore they cannot be added at this time. Schedule changes will only take place if needed, not necessary because students desire a class at a certain time of day.   In the best interest of the students, we prefer all students to begin their elective courses prior to dropping to make sure they are making the correct decision for the school year. Semester 2 courses can be changes in December.

2021-2022 Master Schedule

2021-2022 Drop Add Change Form

If your student sees a major problem with their schedule, please email ashinkle@wayne-local.com.


For more information on Scheduling and Program of StudiesClick Here