High School News


Posted on: March 20, 2020


Wayne Local School District will be using the week of March 23rd-27th as non-instructional calamity days for staff to plan and create instructional opportunities to facilitate learning for our students.  Instructional activities will begin March 30th.

Non- instructional calamity days will give our staff time to organize and prepare learning activities to help facilitate learning for your child(ren).

Moving forward, assessments will not be the focus for learning but a mastery of skills will be the concentration. Traditional grading will not apply for the fourth quarter.

For our youngest learners, PreK-2, instructional calendars will be provided by your child’s teacher. Technology devices will not be needed to complete the instructional calendar.  Learning activities will begin March 30th.

For grades 3-12, many of you may already have devices in your home that will be sufficient for learning.  Families that are in the most need of a device may contact Ms. Karyn Phillips at kphillips@wayne-local.com.  For those who have already contacted Ms. Phillips, times and dates for pickup are:

  •          Tuesday, March 24th:  2:00 pm - 3:00 pm/ Middle School Entrance
  •          Friday, March 27th:  10:00 am – 11:00 am/ Middle School Entrance

When picking up your device, please remain in your car. We will bring your device to you, as well as a “Loan Form” to be signed.

*A Test email will be going out to all students on Wednesday, March 25th for grades 3-12 to ensure you have access to your student gmail account.  If you do not receive this email, please contact tech@wayne-local.com on Thursday, March 26th.

Just know that the district, staff and community are working together through these difficult and unchartered times.  We are here for you and your children.