High School News

Mary L. Cook Public Library

Posted on: October 24, 2016


Mary L. Cook Public Library

With almost 100 years rooted in the Waynesville community, the Mary L. Cook Public Library is branching out.

We are pleased to announce that we have added a branch at the Waynesville Elementary Media Center in the elementary school building. In collaboration with Wayne Local Schools, over the summer we weeded the entire collection at the school, wrapped and repaired the damaged books, and purchased scores of new books. It was a huge undertaking, especially since it took place during our record-breaking Summer Reading Program.

We now provide the software to handle circulation at the school. We send a helper, also known as Miss Kathleen, armed with an iPad and a wireless HotSpot to assist Waynesville Elementary library paraprofessional, Kelley Purkey. Now we can serve all of those students who might not make it to the Mary L. Cook Public Library with a vibrant, updated collection right at the elementary school.

We are so excited about this collaboration with Wayne Local Schools. Thank you so much to Pat Dubbs, Ron James, Tammy Burchfield, Kelley Purkey, Debbie Benton, the entire Mary L. Cook Library staff, and everyone else involved in this project!

 —  with Kelley Giesseman Purkey, Tammy Burchfield, Superintendent Pat Dubbs; Wayne Local Schools, Waynesville, Ohio, Waynesville Elementary School, Wayne-Local Schools and SWON Libraries Consortium