High School News

Mental Health Support

Posted on: January 28, 2019
scrabble tiles that spell mental health


Mental Health Support groups for second semester are currently being formed.  Sign up forms are now available... click here!   Please turn the attached form to the high school office by February 1st.

Please discuss this option with your child and have them sign the attached form as well.  





Alateen is a fellowship of young Alanon members, usually teenagers, whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking/addiction.  Meetings will give students the opportunity to share experiences, offer support, and give hope to each other in an atmosphere of anonymity.  A certified Alateen leader(s) will lead this group twice a month for 1 hour.


Female Support Groups

This support group addresses the unique needs of adolescent girls. It uses “interactive journaling” to empower girls to discover their “true selves” and make positive connections with others. This support group is for females in Grades 6-12 and will be offered in the fall and spring semesters. The group will meet weekly or twice a month depending on the needs of the group. Grade levels will be separated appropriately.


 Male Support Groups

 This group will help boys acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to understand and respect self and others.  Sessions focus on developing healthy self-esteem, goal setting, strengthening decision making skills, understanding personal communication and conflict resolution styles, learning how to communicate effectively, resolve differences and deal with peer pressure, and practicing healthy lifestyle behaviors. This support group is for males in Grades 6-12. Program will be offered in the fall and spring semesters and the group will meet weekly or twice a month depending on the needs of the group. Grade levels will be separated appropriately.


NewAnxiety Resiliency Skills students will learn skills to recognize and understand what triggers their anxious responses. They will also learn coping skills to decrease and manage their symptoms so that they can experience a sense of calm and peace in life as well as achieve greater success in the classroom. Grade levels will be separated appropriately.


Catherine Joefreda
Guidance Counsleor, Waynesville High and Middle School
513-897-2776, Ext. 4005

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