High School News

Nasko Conroy

Posted on: March 27, 2017
image of a boy

Nasko Conroy

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian: Today , one of our students died after an extended illness. Nasko Conroy was a 7th grade student in the Middle School. A young person's death is always tragic, and a sudden loss like this can have a profound effect on surviving students. As a result, we feel it is important that we recognize this loss and offer help. This is a sensitive issue for children, and we suggest that you talk with your children about their feelings. The school has arranged to have mental health counselors available to talk with students about normal responses to grief. Some students may need additional guidance, and they can be seen either individually or in small groups. The Conroy family respectfully requests for time to process the loss of their beloved son, Nasko. They want to thank the entire community for the outpouring of support and prayers over the last several weeks. Funeral arrangements will be posted on Nasko’s Caring Bridge Site as soon as they are finalized. On behalf of Wayne Local Schools , we extended our sincere condolences to the Conroy family for their loss.