High School News

National Voter Registration Day

Posted on: September 24, 2019
red white and blue image with vote symbol

Today, September 24th is the fourth Tuesday of September and is also nationally recognized as National Voter Registration Day.   

You must be registered to vote in order to exercise your right to vote.  Why should you register to vote?  There are three big reasons why you should not only register to vote, but also exercise your right to vote.

  1.   Voting and democracy is very important in a nation because it provides people an opportunity to voice their          opinion and vote for what they believe in.
  2.   Voting holds elected officials accountable for their behavior while in office.
  3.   Voting prevents a minority from dictating the policies of a majority.

How to register:   https://www.warrencountyboe.us 


National Voter Registration Day on the Fourth Tuesday in September urges citizens to register to vote. Make your vote count!

More than 300,000 Americans registered to vote in the inaugural day the observance in 2012. That number jumped to 800,000 in 2018. The day helps to ensure eligible voters register in their districts each year. The awareness campaign provides valuable information for each state. Timed ideally a few months before some of the bigger elections of the year, the day places information in the hands of the voters at the right time.  

There are hundreds of local, state and national organizations driving the day and bringing it to you. Partner organizations help too by coordinating thousands of public events to bring awareness about ballot initiatives, local elections, and voter registration.

~National Day Calendar