High School News

PayPal Link Established to Receive Donations

Posted on: May 11, 2020

Wayne Local has established a PayPal link for donations during this unprecedented time.  There are many difficult strains on families right her in our community and while some families are adapting, there are many others who are struggling.  Because of this and an increased request for a donation line, we have established a PayPal link. 

PayPal is a secure and protected service that enables you to send money and donate for a cause.  PayPal uses data encryption and anti-fraud technology to help keep your information secure, reducing the risk of online fraud.
Through this donation link, we can continue to serve our community members in need through our Food 2 Go  and The Waynesville Way Programs. 
To learn more about Food 2 Go and The Waynesville Wayclick here.  Be Sure to designate Food2Go - TWW
Thank you!