High School News

PSAT Registration

Posted on: September 2, 2021

PSAT 2021 Registration

WHS students are offered the opportunity to take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 13 at 7:45 am. The cost of the test if $18. Please fill out and return the registration form by Wednesday, September 8.

As a junior in high school, scoring well on the PSAT gives students a chance to enter the National Merit Scholarship Program and gain access to college and career planning tools. Taking the test earlier than junior year may provide a valuable learning experience. This is an OPTIONAL test. The results will not be used for placement/scheduling purposes. For more information on the PSAT, potential scholarship opportunities associated with the PSAT, and preparation materials, go to collegereadiness.collegeboard.org

When:  October 13, 2021 at 7:45am
Where:  First Baptist Church, Waynesville
Cost: $18.00 (Checks payable to: Waynesville High School and indicate child’s name and grade on memo line)
Registration Due Date: September 8th 

*You must arrive at First Baptist Church, Waynesvile by 7:45am. 

*If your student drives to school, they will report to the Baptist Church in Waynesville at 7:45am on the day of the test. They will drive to the high school when they are finished taking the test.

*If your student rides the bus to school, they will report to the High School gym when they get off of the bus on the day of the test. They will be bussed back to the high school when they are finished taking the test.

*Students will eat lunch at the Baptist Church when they are finished taking the test.

*Include a check with this permission slip. The cost of the test is $18. Checks should be made payable to Waynesville High School. Include your child’s name on the memo line.

*Return this slip and your check to Sharon Vogel in the High School office

Questions please contact:  Janelle Gaver

More information on testing