High School News

School of Business is Offering Three Festive Items Just in Time for the Holidays

Posted on: November 17, 2017


WHS School of Business has opened for business. Students are working as Marketers, Accountants, Operations, and Distributors. We have created three different products, being sold by three different businesses.  Please take a look below at the three options they have created and select one or more to purchase for your holiday décor. We, here at the School of Business, thank you in advance
Order by sending an email to Mr. Grogg at agrogg@wayne-local.com or picking up an order form in the high school office.  All payments need to be received to process order. Send payment with student or drop off at high school for Mr. Grogg. All orders will be filled in the order they are received.


Christmas santa logs


Christmas Creations Inc.
Wayne Local knows Christmas is the season of peace and goodwill until you go shopping and get the bill. The students of Mr. Grogg’s School of Business ask you to deck your halls with their homemade Santa’s Logs.  For only $15.00, these affordable Santa’s logs come straight from our workshop to your home and they are the perfect addition to your Christmas decor. All proceeds go directly back to the School of Business. Cash and checks accepted only. Please makes checks out to Waynesville High School.  Santa suppots our School of Business and so should you!  Please CLICK HERE for order form. 

christmas tree ornaments


Supreme Designs

We are a business company within the WHS School of Business and we are making an Ornament Tree that will be from $15 w/o ornaments to $20 including ornaments, available in white, green, or red. This is our first year making these Ornament Trees.  We would like this to be a yearly thing for all the business classes to come. All the money profited by the business class will be going to the School of Business so we continue a strong business class for the next generation of students to enjoy. When you buy your tree all school of business fees will be eliminated. The money will be turned into Mr. Grogg, teacher of the School of Business, we accepts cash and checks. Checks made out to Waynesville High School. We need your help to grow our company so buy your Christmas tree today!!! :) Please CLICK HERE for order form. 

christmas frames


Grogg Dogg Designs

The WHS School of Business is now selling Holiday themed decorations. Our company, Grogg Dogg Designs, is selling  our “Festive Frames” for $10.00 each, which come in a variety of colors (red, green, and white) and two different shapes (rectangular and square). All proceeds go towards the WHS School of Business program for future use. Order forms will be located in the high school office and cash or check will be accepted through December 15th. All checks are to be made out to Waynesville High School and can be turned into Mr. Grogg in Computer Lab 2. Happy Holidays!  Please CLICK HERE for order form.