High School News

Senior Joey Carter Earns a Place in the National Technical Honor Society

Posted on: March 4, 2019
three people posing for photo

Wayne Local is pleased to announce the appointment of William (Joey) Carter to the National Technical Honor Society at the Warren County Career Center in Power Systems.

Joey joined 70 other seniors into the National Technical Honor Society on Feb. 28.  A ceremony with family, friends and associate school administrators and counselors was followed by a breakfast prepared by Culinary Technology students. 

To qualify, students must have a 3.5 Grade Point Average for three semesters during the two years at WCCC or its satellites. In addition, a student must not have a semester grade that is lower than a “C” at any time. The student must also meet 95 percent attendance for the two years with no more than a total of 15 days absent, and must have no credit deficiencies toward obtaining a high school diploma, nor any out-of-school suspensions.

Complete List of Inductees