High School News

SENIOR ONLY - HS Spirit Week

Posted on: May 9, 2019

"Beach Day"

kids in beach attire

"College Day"

kids wearing college tshirts

"2005 Throwback Day"

(They were in Kindergarten that year!)


kids dressed up in funky clothes

"Senior Citizen Day" - photo coming soon

"America Day" and "Senior Ride-In Day" - photo coming soon

colorful crayon drippings on green background

Beginning May 6th, Seniors are invited to participate in Senior Spirit Week by dressing up in the appropriate, themed attire each day. 

Monday:  Beach Day
Tuesday:  College Day
Wednesday:  2005 Throwback Day
Thursday:  Senior Citizen Day
Friday: America

The week will cap off with the Traditional SENIOR DRIVE IN DAY at 7:20am on Friday morning, May 10th.  Stay tuned for details on the route.