High School News

Spartan Community Members Show Support of Wayne Local Schools

Posted on: December 3, 2018
people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Pat's Place

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

B & B Carryout

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Ohio Living Quaker Heights Care Community

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Cobblestone Cafe and Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Stubbs Conner Funeral Home

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Domino's Pizza

people wearing jerseys and holding sign


people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Game Day Grill & Patio

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Turn Out Dance Academy

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

People's Bank

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Ultimate Finish Hair Studio

people wearing jerseys and holding sign

Waynesville Urgent Care