High School News

Student Council Treats the High School Teachers

Posted on: May 17, 2019
basket of notepads

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, the high school student council worked to provide a week of goodies and special treatment for their teachers and staff.  For Monday-Thursday of last week, the teachers were rewarded with small tokens of appreciation such as trays of assorted home baked cookies and brownies, notepads and pens, a succulent plant for their desk, and even a waffle bar for breakfast one morning! This took a lot of manpower and teamwork to get it all accomplished around school schedules.  

Thank you to all of the students and parents who helped bake, prepare the gifts, and even the loaning of toasters for our waffle bar!

Student Council Advisor, Kelly Miller

succulents wrapped in burlap
kids in front of a table
tray of cookies
trays of brownies