High School News


Posted on: August 14, 2020
spartan head

Posted:  August 14, 2020

On August 13, 2020, the Interim Director of the Ohio Department of Health (the “Director”) issued an order requiring use of facial coverings in K-12 schools (“Order”). The Order, which became effective on Friday, August, 14, 2020, wields control over any conflicting provisions of the Director’s July 23 statewide mask order and will remain effective until the Governordeclared state of emergency no longer exists or the Director rescinds or modifies the Order.

Click the link below for “Director’s Order” from Ohio Department of Health. The link is as follows: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/static/publicorders/DO-K-12-facial-coverings.pdf

This order mandates facial coverage (masks) for all students, faculty and staff in any child care setting, school building, or other location that provides care of education to any child in kindergarten through grade twelve. They shall wear face coverings at all times: In any indoor location, outdoors on school property, waiting for school transportation and riding school transportation. There are exceptions built in for disability, health conditions, eating, drinking and other circumstances.

This order was just released so we have not been able to fully analyze it. To be fair to our parents in their decision to send their child(ren) to school face to face or stay home with the remote option, Wayne Local Schools will be amending the face covering policy and procedures to be compliant with the official mandate. This directive also applies to faculty and staff.

If this changes your decision on sending your child to school, please be patient as we will communicate further details to you next week. You will have the right to change to VLA or return to school for face to face instruction, if desired.